Dysentery is a disease of inflamed mucous membrane and intestinal glands with blood evacuation at times caused by in digestion & acidity. Amoebiasis denotes amoebic dysentery/hepatitis, which results from infection of intestines and colon and the stool may contain blood & mucus or it may lead to a Simple diarrhea. Diarrhoea results from too rapid…

In the body millions of new cells are formed every day and they replace the old worn out cells. This process is carried out by the spleen and it is cleared and controlled by the lymph glands. due to negligence only, slowly but steadily, there is a malignant growth in the body, which is not…

Financial Status of the Spouse
Financial Status of the Spouse According to astrological classics, different vargas are ascribed to different facets of life, and the applicable to the birth chart are also applicable to divisional charts under certain constraints and limitations. D-12 is seen for parental happiness and D-30 for misfortunes i.e., the bhava lord that goes to Trimshamsha of…

Diseases of Twelfth House
Diseases of Twelfth House 1. Introduction 1.1 The twelfth is the last house of a horoscope when counted from ascendant. Therefore it marks the end or expense of the cycle or the wheel of life. Since lagna represents the life, health, wealth, physical body and vitality etc, the 12 th house represents the destruction or…

NAKSHATRA MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Parts of the body denoted by ach sublord (as per Nakshatra Medical Astrology) Sub CAPRICORN – KNEES, BONES & JOINTS Nos. 189. Saturn – Sun – Rahu: Degree: 00.00.00-1.13.20 Anatomy: Sacrum – The lower bones of the Vertebrae. Disease: Pain and swelling the anus – piles. 190. Saturn – Sun – Jupiter:…

Vastu Shastra
What is Vastu Shastra? Vastu Shastra is just channelizing of energy, in my opinion if one is satisfied that he is having good health good finances, good relations, growth is ok. But if growth is not upto the mark difference opinion in family, health conditions not good then we have to check that whether edifice…

Diseases of Ninth house
Diseases of Ninth house 1. Introduction The 9th house is the best of the Trikone houses and called Bhagya Sthan or house of destiny/ luck. The destiny is nothing but the results of past Karmas, which includes some diseases as well. As per Kaal purush chart, this house and Sagittarius sign represents hips, things, limbs…

DANGEROUS PERIODS Through Kroorabda, Kroormaasa 64th Navamsha, 22nd Drekkana and Trimshamsha Life is full of ups and downs. Often we come across difficult or adverse period which may be predicted if one follows the correct dasha and transit of planets over sensitive points of the horoscope. One of the foremost of these is 64th Navamsha….

PROFESSION OCCUPATIONS ARE DIVIDED INTO 6 FOLLOWING CATEGORIES 1. Intellectual: Scientists, doctors, historians, mathematicians, judges, lawyers, astrologers, astronomers, philosopher are indicated by Jupiter and Mercury. 2. Economic ruling class: Politicians, industrialists, bankers, insurance workers are indicated by Sun, Moon, Mars. 3. Aesthetic: Actors, dancers, dramatists, musicians, cinema-stars, people working on T.V., video and cinema, behind…

Nakshatra Medical Astrology Parts of the body denoted by ach sublord (as per Nakshatra Medical Astrology) Sub SAGITTARIUS – HIPS & THIGHS Nos. Arterial System – Nerves. Jupiter – Ketu – Ketu: Degree: 00.00.00-00.46.40 Anatomy: Sacrum – The lower joints of the Vertebrae. Disease: Pain at the sacrum bone. Jupiter –…