Diseases of Seventh House
Diseases of Seventh House Introduction The 7th house is the least favoured among the Kendra sthans. It is exactly opposite the lagna or house of self. It is also 12th of the most dreaded 8th house (the infamous Trika house of longevity and the biggest black hole) and also the apex of Kaam Trikona (others…

NAKSHATRA MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Parts of the body denoted by Each sublord (as per Nakshatra Medical Astrology) Sub LEO – HEART (Spine Upper) Nos. 84. Sun – Ketu – Ketu: Degree – 0.00.00-0.46.40 Anatomy – Fossa ovalis – Cavity in the chamber of the heart. Disease – Contraction and pain in the heart…

Parts of the body denoted by ach sub-lord (as per Nakshatra Medical Astrology) Sub CANCER- Breast, Chest, Epigastric Region Bones & Ribs Stomach, Digestive Organs. 63. Moon – Jupiter – Moon: Degree : 00.00.00-00.33.20. Anatomy : Thoracic (Middle) pertaining to chest. Disease : Asunma – T.B. Breathing Troubles. 64. Moon – Jupiter – Mars: Degree…

Nakshatras and Astrology
Kritika By Ast. Hatinder Kaur (Senior Faculty) (26*40’ TO 30*Aries, 0* TO 10* Taurus) Mantra:-Kruththikaa Bankojavaasini baaba Vimochani kruththikaathevi sahaayakrube. Group of seven stars in the form of necklace. Diety:–Agni (karttikeya). Symbol:-Knife & Flame. Kritika is derived from a Sanskrit word which means CRITIC. They penetrate the cause of all kinds of imperfections between appearance…

Nakshatras and Astrology
Nakshatras are lunar mansions By Ast. Hatinder Kaur (Senior Faculty) 1. Nakshatra means – which can not be destroyed. 2. Naks+setra- to arrive at , approach( The Moon approaching its mansions). 3. Nak+ksa+trs- Protecting during the night of destruction. 4. 27 Nakshatra represent conciousness. 5. Each Nakshatras represent a particular quality of consiousness Nakshatras are…

Nakshatra Transit
By: Mr. Anil Kaushal. The 1st Nakshatra from the Janam Tara is called Janam Tara. The 2nd Nakshatra from the Janam Tara is called called Sampat Tara. The 3rd Nakshatra from the Janam Tara is called Vipat Tara. The 4th Nakshatra from the Janam Tara is called Kshema Tara. The 5th Nakshatra from the janam…
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