MUNDANE Chapter -1 PLANETARY CABINET The General Trend of the world trend events are also predicted from the “Planetary Cabinet” Which is the Formed every year, in accordance with the sun’s entry in important sign s and various portfolios are assigned to different planets. The chart used is the annual chart. According to “Kalaprakasika” the planetary for…

The Upgraha are stars , or constellations (Nakshatra) counted from the one occupied by the sun at any given times .They are 8 in number .When planets are placed in any of these 8 upgrahas then they cause obstacles in undertaking .the more the planet in these upagrahas, the greater is the intensity of…

. . . . IMPORTANT TABLES IN TRANSIT OF PLANETS P-1 Benefic Places of the Natal Moon: Planet Benefic places From the Natal Moon The Sun 3,6,10,11 The Moon 1,3,6,7,10,11 Mars 3,6,11 Mercury 2,4,6,8,10,11 Jupiter 2,5,7,9,11 Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12 Saturn 3,6,11 Benefic Places for the Natal Ascendant Planet Benefic places From the Natal Moon The…
VASTU PROMISES SOUND SLEEP In today’s fast moving world there is no time to rest and things become worse when we are not having a comfortable sleep .Sages has given guidelines in VASTU principles where we can have comfortable sleep and increases our capacity to work in day time as explained earlier we have two…
VASTU GYAN VASTU STUDY IS ESSENTIAL In my previous post I have talked about the opportunity of vastu study through Indian Council of Astrological Sciences( Chennai )at their Chandigarh Chapter D.A.V Model School sec . 15 Chandigarh on every Saturday and Sunday. You might be thinking , “what is the necessity of Vastu Study ?”…
THE TRUTH BEHIND HAPPY AND JOYFUL LIVING Whenever a child takes birth , his horoscope is prepared according to the planetary position of PLANETS and RASHIS . Man completes his journey of life according to the YOGAS and RAJ YOGAS present in the horoscope of the native . But only study…

Facts about Rudrakhs
. . . . .. . Facts • What is Rudraksha ? • Why it is so important ? What is its relevance ? • What is Mukhi or Multifaceted Rudraksha? • What is Mala or Rudraksha Rosary ? • Is it for me ? Its advantage for human ? • Does it have any…

1 Mukhi Rudraksha
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Consciousness and wealth is attained along with health energy and luck are bestowed. Gives control over senses to bring concentration. Importance of 1 mukhi rudraksha It is the rarest and most auspicious among all Rudraksha beads. One mukhi chandrakar belongs a variety which is an alternate to Rudraksha. Blessed by lord…

Yogas & past lives
. . . . The following is an excerpt from an article published by Saptarishi Asteology Magnazine in 2011 titled “Yogas & Past life- in conversation with Mr.Sundrana”.The whole article includes several more yogas. Ruchaka Yoga If Saturn Aspect Mars there is no Yoga Ruchaka Yoga comes in this life since you previously took care…

Profession from the position of planet Saturn
. . . . Saturn is the causative planet of career (profession) the indicator of Karma- in the cosmic world. He Himself will never harm the anyone in this world, whether he may be malefic sign or in benefic sign who offers both good and bad effects accommodating the combination of other planets which is…