Lal Kitab-Lect-2
Compiled by Amrao singh Rasi : There are 24 hrs in a day: each rasi is of 2 hrs each, gkFk dh maxfy;¨a ds 12 fgLl¨a d® xkaBs Òh dgk tkrk gS gj ,sd xkaB d¨ jk’kh Òh dgrs gSa ( For teacher ) Explain jk’kh xzg Index finger rtZuh c`gLifr dh maxyh es[k o`[k feFkqu e)ek luhpj dh maxyh edj dqEÒ ehu vukfedk lwjt dh maxyh dZd flag dU;k Little finger dfu”dk cqÄ dh maxyh rqyk o`fLpd Äuq jkf’k;¨a dh dq.Myh esa…

Lal Kitab:-Lect-1
bUlku caÄk [kqn ys[k ls vius&ys[k fcÄkrk dye ls g¨ dye pys [kqn dje ls vius&>xM+k vDy u fdLer g® LAL kitab astrology may some day tell you the secret of time of death or sex of a child before birth But revealing it before time will give d¨<+ dk lcwr nsxk nqfu;k esa fcekjh dk bykt gS e©r dk d¨Ã pkjk ugha Jyotish is divine knowledge but not magical mantra. It is nqfu;koh fglkc fdrkc gS d¨Ã nkok ,s [kqnkà ugha When used in self defence it becomes a source of…

Marriage Line Reflects successful marriage life
ivvwh ryKw hI bqw dyqI hY ivvwh suK hQylI my ivvwh ryKw bhuq hI CotI hoqI hY prMqu ±Xi#q ky jIvn my bhuq pRBwvSwlI hoqI hY[ hwQ kI ryKwAo kw A%XXn krqy smX hm ivvwh ryKw kI apy–w nhI kr skqy [ hdX ryKw EMv jIvn ryKw kI qrh Xh ryKw eqnI ghrI EMv bfI…

21 MAHADOSHAS in Mahurta
21 MAHADOSHAS in Mahurta Different doshas are required to check for different kind of Mahurta from the following list of doshas. 01 . Krantisaamya or Mahapaata, 02. Combust Moon, 03. Asta of Guru and Shukra Asta, 04 Gandanta, 05. The day of Samkranti, 06. Three days Pre & post of an eclipse day, 07. Dagdha…

The Line of Life
The Line of Life Position and Direction Normal: Starting from under the Mount of Jupiter, encircling the Mount of Venus and the Lower Mount of Mars, provide both are normally placed and of average superficial dimensions. This portion of the Mount of Venus between the Mount of the Moon and the Life indicated in…
What are Vargas?
What are Vargas? 1. Zodiac consists of 360 degrees or 12 signs of approx. 30 degrees each. Each sign is further subdivide into number of generally equal divisions, wherein the position of each planet is mapped in each Amsa accordingly. These are called divisional charts or Vargas. Each Varga represents a specific aspect of a…

SOME USEFUL COMBINATIONS OF RUDRAKSHA Actor 13+Gauri Shankar+13 Administrative Officer 12+Gauri Shankar+13 Bank Services 7+8+12 Builders (Construction) 7+Ganesh+14 Businessman 1+7+8 Civil Engineer 1+Ganesh+7 Cloth Merchant 3+Ganesh+12 Computer Engineer 3+Ganesh+3 Consultant 7+Ganesh+14 Doctor 9+Ganesh+9 Electrical Engineer 3+Ganesh+12 Good Career 7+8+12 Hotel Owner 7+8+14 Housewife 2+Gauri Shankar+2 Industrialist 7+8+14…

STRESS AND HORMONES IN ASTROLGY — An Astro Perspective Article written by Amar Deep Sharma and K S Seehra A beautiful and successful initiative to relate medical science with Astrology………….Anil Kaushal Human body glands are broadly classified into two types endocrine and exocrine. These glands are creating the hormones (chemical compositions) which are used…

PRINCIPLES OF KAKSHA APPLICATION IN TRANSIT 1. When a planet transits a sign having high number of bindus in its own Bhinnashtaka varga, indicates that the time has come for the fructification of the result pertaining to the house corresponding to that sign. Example: When Jupiter is transiting over Sagittarius and it has 6…

Signs on Hand
Signs on Hand Star A Star is a sign of great importance wherever it appears on hand. A line that ends in a star signifies great accomplishments. A star on mounts enhances the benefits of the corresponding amount. The effects of various stars on different mounts are discussed below …