FINGERS – ungaliea Ka Gayan
Download Hindi Font aMgilXwM aMgilXo ky nwmo pr ivcwr krqy smX phly hI ÆpÃt {p sy ilKw jw cukw hY ik AMgUTy ko hÆqryKw-SwÆZ my siµmilq nhI ikXw jwqw, hwlwMik AMgUTw hwQ kI ±XvÆQw my mhœvpUxí BUimkw inBwqw hY Aq: hÆqryKw-SwÆZ my kyvl cwr aMgilXo ky mhœv ko hI ÆvIkwr ikXw gXw hY…

KNOW YOUR INDEX FINGER: While the thumb is considered more important than the other fingers in determining personality, the other fingers have their own distinct meaning. The index finger, is said to be the finger of “Personal Power and Leadership Success”. We naturally use the index finger to express our personal power. When we are really…

ASTROLOGY FOR WHAT By Ram Nath Goyal From Mandi Gobindgarh. Astrology is vedang, ‘EYES OF VEDAS’. How astrology is eyes of Veda? What is that use of astrology? Which makes astrology ‘EYES OF VEDAS’ ? To predict about materialistic world is this is the only use of astrology which is sufficient to say that astrology…
Nakshatra Division of 12 Signs with Padas
Nakshatra Division of 12 Signs with Padas

Thumb Position & Shape
Thumb Position Much can be read into the position of the thumb — where it sits in the hand. According to The Study of Palmistry, the following qualities can be determined by where the thumb is situated on the hand Thumb Position Too high: Denotes idiocy (especially if the thumb is also short and…

Palmistry An Introduction
Introduction Palmistry is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as Chiromancy or cheiromancy in Greek. It is practiced all over the world with numerous cultural variations. [divider] [/divider] The study incorporates lines on palm and external features of the hands such as the shape, texture,…

Ashtakavarga Transit Results
Ashtakavarga Transit Results The Planet gives following results when it transits over a sign containing 8-0 Bindus SUN MOON 8 Bindus Favor’s from Govt., Higher Status liked by superiors, honors and respect 7 Bindus Increase in fame name and prestige charitable, fearless, tranquil heart 6 Bindus Acquisition of Wealth, Better personality virtuous and righteous qualities,…

Nakshatra and Lord
Nakshatra and Lord Nakshatra (Devanagari: nákṣatra) is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology. A nakshatra is one of 27 (sometimes also 28) sectors along the ecliptic. Their names are related to the most prominent asterisms in the respective sectors. In classical Hindu mythology (Mahabharata, Harivamsa), the creation of the nakshatras is attributed to…

History of Astrology
Ancient Babylon Astrology has been around for thousands of years. Tracing its roots back to ancient Babylonia, it was practiced by the priests to decipher the will of the gods. From Babylonia, astrology was adopted by the Greeks. They trusted the stars and the oracles to forecast the future. The Hindus of India were also…

Medical Astrology
Medical Astrology The Signs and the Houses The likelihood of illness or injuries relating to a particular sign is derived from both the nature of the sign with regard to its type by triplicity and that of its natural ruling planet. Ailments of a sign or planet can also appear by reflection in its opposite…