KNOW YOUR INDEX FINGER: While the thumb is considered more important than the other fingers in determining personality, the other fingers have their own distinct meaning. The index finger, is said to be the finger of “Personal Power and Leadership Success”. We naturally use the index finger to express our personal power. When we are really mad at someone we point at them and may even put that finger right in their face or poke on them! When this personal power is habitually strong and direct the index finger actually grows longer, stronger, and straighter! If you want to see if your boss is really in the right job, check out her or his index finger. It ought to be strong, long and straight — if not a workplace mutiny could be in order!
The Leadership Finger —- You read that right, the index finger represents the ego and ambition. This finger is said to be ruled by Jupiter. Now, when interpreting what a particular index finger is trying to tell us, there are many factors needed to be taken into account — that is a general rule in Palmistry and any kind of fortune telling I’m afraid! When it comes to the index finger, you can glean information from the position of the said finger, the length, and the size. You can also get information from comparisons between the person’s index finger, and the other fingers on the hand.
Index Finger Position —- Generally, fingers set evenly on a line above the mounts are said to indicate success. An absolutely even line is very seldom met with.
A general rules: Any finger set below the others loses some of its power. Because, a low-set index finger reduces the size of the Mount of Jupiter and denotes awkwardness in social matters, often caused by an unfortunate combination of conceit and ignorance.
Leaned Finger: A finger which leans one way or the other! There is meaning in this, just as there is a meaning in every aspect of Palmistry.
1. Index finger leans towards the thumb; this indicates great desire for independence.
2. Index finger leans towards the middle finger (mine do!) it shows a morbid pride.
The size of the gap between the bases of the fingers.
1. Pronounced gap between the bases of the index finger and the thumb indicate generosity.
2. A pronounced gap between the index finger and the middle finger indicates independence of thought.
3. If all of the fingers fall apart easily, this indicates unconventionality.
4. if they all stick close together most of the time, a stiffness in intercourse with others is shown.
Bent and the Flexibility of Fingers: How do you usually hold your hand? It was pointed out to me (another pun –sorry!) by a pyschic named Janene once that I often clench my hand — not quite into a closed fist but at halfway to a fist. She warned me that if I keep clenching my fingers this way, I am going to end up with arthritis in my old age. (“And you have better things to do in your old age than worry about arthritis,” she said.) The way people hold their hands, just like the way they carry their bodies, tells a lot about what is going on inside that individual. According to the good Comte C. De Saint-Germain, bent is the natural position (of the hand) when the subject does not know he is observed. Furthermore, the flexibility of a hand can be judged by the palmist during a reading/consultation.
Hand bent forward: If your hand is naturally bent forward (in upon itself) it is said to represent avarice, meanness, excessive prudence and cowardice.
Hand bent backward: If on the other hand your hand is naturally bent out, it represents unconventional instincts, a jovial disposition, and talkativeness. Think about: if you see someone walking down the street with their hands bent out, it does look somewhat Bohemian. It looks like someone who has a lot of fun in their life! On the issue of flexibility:
Stiff fingers: Stiff fingers represent practicality and conventionality, and a sometimes hard and unyielding personality.
Flexible fingers. . . A Bohemian disposition, inquisitiveness, and no idea of the value of money (but the bearers probably have a lot of fun!)
Sizes of Finger in General : Now we get on to the matter of finger size. Size is a matter of emphasis — bigger is stronger and lesser is weaker. Before considering how to interpret the size of the index finger in particular, let us discuss what the sizes of all of the fingers in general mean.
Have very long fingers: This indicates a meddling disposition, somebody who is forever finding fault, occasionally cruel even if you don’t mean to be, and basically tormenting and tormented.
Long fingers: A love of detail is indicated here, and an aptitude for doing small things well. People with long fingers have good analytical capacities, but can be overly sensitive sometimes. One of the ancient Sri Lankan scholars Avanmadarttu said that: “DEERGHA UNELEEKAHA PURUSHO BAHUYOSHITH SAMAGAMAHA.” It means that the person whose fingers are long is the person who has physical relations with many women, according to one esteemed Indian palmist whose work I have read.
Long thin fingers: Here we can find the diplomats, deceivers, card sharpers and pickpockets of every kind (you can understand how having long thin fingers would be helpful in this particular profession!)
Average fingers: People with average length fingers are generally well balanced, and sometimes very ordinary.
Short fingers: Those with short fingers have a quick understanding of things taken as a whole, and synthetical aptitudes. Also represented here is an intuitive faculty (providing the fingers have thin joints).
Very short fingers: Bohemian, unconventional instincts shown here, and along with that laziness, selfishness through indifference, and an incapacity to understand and practice the basic duties of life. Cruelty is shown too — there is surrender to primitive instincts. Some people call these the Ruffian Fingers.
Finger Sizes in Particular: Having given some general parameters for how the size of fingers influences personality, let’s get more specific. What does it mean to have a big or small index finger? It’s a question of comparison with the other fingers.
Index Finger in fair proportion to other fingers: If the index finger is in fair proportion to the other fingers, and not abnormally long or unusually short, this is a sign of a moderate love of rule, and an intuitive disposition.
Too long: If the index finger is too long, the individual will tend towards tyranny and an abusive love of power.
Too short: If the index finger is too short compared to other fingers, the individual dislikes bearing responsibility.
Crooked index finger: Lack of honor is indicated here. Then again, on a more positive note, curved index fingers are said by some of the practitioners to be representative of something who has many hobbies.
Healthy index finger size: A balanced ego is indicated when the index finger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
Index finger is longer than your middle finger: A bad sign here! The spirit is domineering, almost insane.
Index finger equals middle finger: If your index finger is the same length as your middle finger, you have a love of power. This type of index finger has been called the Napoleon index.
Index finger much shorter than middle finger: Timidity. The individual is reticent in everything they do. A lack of confidence is indicated when the fore finger (index finger) doesn’t reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
Index finger much longer than the ring finger: Abnormal, unhealthy ambition.
Index finger equal to the ring finger: Great desire for fame and riches represented.
Index finger much shorter than the ring finger: Lack of ambition and a love of a humdrum existence.
He calculates his efforts and aims at success with a set purpose, but still carries with him a grand idea or concept of art. This type of finger can be found in the hands of all gifted musicians, dramatic actors of high caliber, and so on.
Conical fingers, upper joint smooth, lower joint knotted: Moral force is added to this artistic talent. The subject will be very practical in the handling of his or her interests and will insist on proper (moneyed) recognition for his or her talent.
Conical fingers, both joints knotted: Here we have the most desirable type for the artist, the inventor, the literary man, the musician, and the actor who has to face the world and make his or her way through it. His/her genius will always be of just the kind which is wanted by his/her time, and he/she will know just how to husband it to full profit. It is worth noting that knots are seldom found in conical hands, and when are present, they are usually slight.
Square fingers, both joints smooth: In these fingers is indicated a love of philosophy, social science, reality in art, well ordained and constructed piece of literature, and a talent for devising business plans. It must be said all individuals with square-tipped fingers (regardless of the knots) are independent to some degree, and usually they are honest as well. This is a strong and reason-driven type.
Square fingers, upper joint knotted, lower joint smooth: The natural tendencies of the square-tipped type are actually improved if the upper joint is knotted. These people are born to love reasoning, and the upper knotted joint will cause them to excel at it. They will discuss everything, religious beliefs included, but you will find it very hard to change their own beliefs. These people have a capacity for intelligent, useful work.
Square fingers, upper joint smooth, lower joint knotted: This will increase the practical bent of the subject, but reduce her capacity to properly judge the cause before the effect. This type is that of the model employee, the disciplinarian, and the pedagogue. In other words: duty comes before everything, and no discretion is employed (discretion being the realm of the employer, after all.) Obey, and above all, be orderly!
Square fingers, both joints knotted: Here is revealed a love of the natural sciences, archaeology, and law. This person is an excellent financier, and a fanatic for symmetry. Common sense predominates over genius, and there is no general love for poetry, art or literature. Apt to prefer the usual to everything else, and to drag down ideals when she has the chance to. This type is honest, exact and indispensible. It is worth noting that in square hands, knots (especially on the second joint) are so common they are virtually universal.
Spatulate fingers, both joints smooth: An instinctive understanding of the real world is revealed, as is an need for activity — especially physical activity. There is a fondness for outdoor sports and outdoor occupations, as well as politics, management and travel.
Spatulate fingers, upper joint knotted, lower joint smooth: Here we have the type of the aggressive infidel, the scoffer at every ideal, the born knocker. This type of individual hates sentiment, and has little use for art, unless it is applied to industry. She loves realism, and is a positivist to some extent. Also fond of the sciences and research and development of technology.
Spatulate fingers, upper joint smooth, lower joint knotted: The knotted lower joint adds intensity to the instincts developed by the smooth spatulate tips. The love of beauty is in this type at its lowest ebb, but the fondness for well-ordered industries is at its peak. If you have this type of fingers you could make a good general — if there is a war going on in your neck of the woods!
Spatulate fingers, both joints knotted: . Indicated here is a strong interest in activity — indoor or outdoor, both is okay. The mind of this individual is never satisified until her mind is tired from physical activity. She also has the ability to call upon science to help her in her vast enterprises. It is worth noting that knots are very common in spatulate fingers, especially on the lower joint. This could create some confusion in your readings — distinguish carefully between the spatulate shape and the lower broadening due to the presence of the first knot.
Tip Shape and Knots in the Index Finger —- Having understood how the general shape of the finger tips
influence (or reflect) personality, let’s get more specific, and consider the case of the index finger in isolation. Keep in mind that if the index finger is shaped differently than the other fingers, this is obviously significant.
Pointed index fingers: If the tip of the index finger is pointed, here is indicated intuition and high religious ideals.
Conical index fingers: If the tip of the index finger is conical, it shows perception and a love of reading.
Square index fingers: If the tip of the index finger is square, the individual will possess a love of truth.
Spatulate index fingers: If the tip of the index finger is spatulate, an exaggerated love of action can be discerned.
The Wearing of Rings: Why do people wear rings? Palmistry says that rings are power devices designed to magnify the native power of the hand. Wearing rings is an effective but subconscious attempt to do that. For example, some people wear rings to give themselves a layer of emotional armor. Generally, rings on the index finger enhance ambition, while those worn on the middle finger symbolize a materialistic nature. While many people wear rings on their ring fingers, it indicates love and authority. Multiple or large rings worn there might be telling you something (ie: Emotional or creative frustration.) Rings on the little finger could indicate difficulties in sexual expression.
The Ring Finger, the Little finger and Signs on Fingers
What the Ring Finger Means: The ring finger is associated with the Greek god Apollo also called finger of Sun, and characteristics of the finger are art, music, fame, and harmony. In contrast with the stern disciplining power represented by the middle finger (ruled by Saturn), and the relentless will to power inherent in the index finger, the ring finger is a much more chilled and relaxed creature. This is the finger of aesthetics, and the appreciation of beauty. This is the finger of art and music and all those good things which make life bearable. It is an coincidence that many people choose to wear rings on this finger. This finger is synonymous with the urge to beautify ourselves and our world.
When interpreting ring finger, you can glean information from the position of the said finger, the length and the size. You can also get information from comparisons between the person’s ring finger, and the other fingers on the hand.
Ring Finger Position: Generally, fingers set evenly on a line above the mounts are said to indicate success. An absolutely even line is very seldom met with, and would not be considered either natural or pretty.
There is a general rule which says that any finger set below the others loses some of its power. When the ring finger is set below the middle finger, all the qualities encapsulated in the finger will be prevented by circumstance from full cultivation. This is because the middle finger is the finger of circumstance.
A more helpful method of interpreting the ring finger is to see if it leans one way or the other.
If the ring finger leans towards the middle finger: a morbid vanity is represented.
If the ring leans towards the little finger: It shows a person who practices art solely for the money to be made from it.
Yet more information can be gained by reading the size of the gaps which exist between the bases of the fingers. A pronounced gap between the middle finger and the ring finger (wide enough to let light through) shows a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life and tomorrow. If there is a gap between the ring finger and the middle finger it represents Bohemianism and an independence of action.
If all of the fingers fall apart easily: This indicates unconventionality. On the other hand, if they all stick close together most of the time, stiffness in behavior with others is shown.
This ring Finger indicates about a person’s desire for name and fame and it makes a person a leader or head of the organization. It also relates to intelligence. Long Ring Finger denotes creative nature. Such people go well in the field of fashion designing and Arts. Long finger also denotes about risk taking habits such as gambling or speculative tendencies of a person. Long Ring finger will be considered only when it is longer than index finger.
A person with small ring finger does not desire for fame and ostentation and does not take any risk. Such fingers i.e. short ring fingers are rarely found.
What the Little Finger Means: The Little Finger also known as the Finger of Mercury. Mercury is the messenger God and is depicted as having winged sandals and carrying the caduceus. He is the God of communication and mediation. He is also a divine manipulator. Mercury is considered the protector of thieves and businessmen. His Greek name is Hermes. Hermes presided over magic, education and culture. He is said to have invented the alphabet.
It represents wit and eloquence and one’s ability to communicate. The finger is of normal length if it is up to the end of the first phalange of ring finger. If it is below that point it is considered small. A person with small little finger can not speak out his mind and suffers from an inferiority complex. Such people can not control their words or emotions.
A short finger indicates childlike behavior and low intelligence level. In some cases a person becomes a victim of child abuse. Such people lack the ability to influence others. The mercury finger if very low show that such people lack confidence.
A long little finger is indicative of talent within. Such people are able to express themselves very well and they put forth their point of contention well. Such people have good I.Q. level and come up as good writers and speakers.
Thick base of the little finger makes a person interested in material and sensual world and person prefers an easy and comfortable life.
Little finger if stands apart from the Ring finger then you tend to be independent.
Signs found on fingers are of great importance to a palmist. They have great significance in Criminology. A persons character and his way of thinking can be known fully. His individuality can be understood with the help of these signs. These signs are:
Javelin- If there is a sign of Javelin or an arrow in the first phalange of the finger, then the person is very capable and learned from an intellectual point of view. Such persons succeed in adverse conditions and win over the conditions and are capable of working according to the atmosphere. Such perons have heart trouble in their old age.
Tent- Signs like a tent on the phalanges of fingers of some persons indicates that they are kind-hearted and rise very high by means of their artistic talents. They also take undue advantage of others. They are unbalanced mentally and their family life is troublesome.
Circle- Sign of circle on fingers is considered auspicious. Such persons are independent in their thougths and originality is seen in all they do. They remain away from old beliefs and conservatism.
Arch- Persons with arch on their fingers are generally lazy and of suspicious nature. They do not have confidence in themselves and also in others. They create an atmosphere of illusion around them. They gain special success in mystic works and detective services.
Triangle- The sign of triangle makes a man mysterious. Such persons are able to make their bodies strong by practicing yoga. They love loneliness and are orthodox.
Star- Persons on whose fingers the sign of star or cross is visible are very fateful and fortunate. They receive wealth in life quite unexpectedly many times. They remain happy from the financial point of view.
Net- Fingers with net on them are indicative that the man will meet with more obstacles and difficulties in life. They overcome these difficulties and come unscathed by their sheer will-power. They are less comfortable and less happy in life. Such signs are seen in the hands of culprits and dacoits.
Rectangle- If rectangle is seen on the phalange of the finger then the person is laborious. He keeps the Goddess of wealth in his house. He is properous and happy in life.
If more than one of the above signs is seen on the fingers of a person, then the person is entitled to the combined benefits of those signs.
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