
Financial Status of the Spouse

Financial Status of the Spouse

According to astrological classics, different vargas are ascribed to different facets of life, and the applicable to the birth chart are also applicable to divisional charts under certain constraints and limitations. D-12 is seen for parental happiness and D-30 for misfortunes i.e., the bhava lord that goes to Trimshamsha of Mars or Saturn gives inauspicious results. The bhava whose lord goes to benefice’s or own Rashi in Trimshamsha is bound to give auspicious results. Likewise, bhava lord that goes to ‘Kuber&’ Dwadashamsha is bound to give material prosperity.
It has been observed, if any of the following are in Kuber Dwadashamsha, in his own, or in Jupiter. Trimshamsha, or in Pushkaramsa and not in Mrityu bhaga, the spouse of the native is very well off.
1. Karaka: Jupiter/Mars for females/Venus for males.
2. Navamsha Lagna Lord
3. 7th Lord in Navamsha
4. D. K.

Chart-1: 3rd May 1972, 1.42 PM, Moradabad (U.P.) Female

Native of a humble background married in a very rich family. Karaka + Yoga Karaka, Mars in D-12 of Kuber aspected by the other Karaka Jupiter.

Chart-2 : 16 th November 1958, 2.13 AM, Saharanpur.

A girl from an ordinary family married to a wealthy businessman. Karak Mars D.K. also, Navamsha Lagna Lord, D-9 7th Lord all in Kuber D-12

Chart-3: 1 st July 1961, 17 hrs., London

Horoscope of Lady Diana: Karaka Mars in Kiriti, D.K. in Kuber, Navamsha Lagna Lord-Kiriti, 7th Lord of D-9 in Kiriti Dwadashamsha. The Longitude of Jupiter is 11°48′ where as Mrityu Bhaga is at 11°. This indicates unhappy and short married life.

Chart-4: 26th August 1956, 5 AM, Delhi


This chart belongs to Meneka Gandhi. Karaka Jupiter in Mohan, Navamsha 7th Financial Status of the SpouseLord in Kiriti indicate a wealthy spouse.

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