

MUNDANE Chapter -1


The General Trend of the world trend events are also predicted from the “Planetary Cabinet” Which is the Formed every year, in accordance with the sun’s entry in important sign s and various portfolios are assigned to different planets. The chart used is the annual chart.

According to “Kalaprakasika” the planetary for the year is decide as follows: The king of the year is the Planet ruling the day on which the sun enters the first point of Aries. The Minister will be decided on the basis of the planet which will rule the day on which Sun enters the first point Taurus. The Lordof the day on which Sun enters the First point of Cancer will be the Lord of paddy crops. The lord of the day on which Sun enters first point of Libra will be the Lord of Vegetation and Fruits .The Lord of the Day on which Sun enters the first point of the Capricorn will be the Lord of Minerals. The Lord of the day in the month of Jyestha when the Sun enters the Ardhra constellations will be the Lord of clouds. The Lord of the Day on Which Sun enters the first
point of Gemini will be the lord of fluids .The portfolios are obviously Changed every Year.

The following are the general results, when the different planets functions as king of the year.

When sun is the King of the Year and is benefic then the royalty prospers and the ruler has a peaceful time. When it signifies evil houses, then there is tension amongst the various rulers and there is danger of fire trouble through thieves.

When moon is the King, there is prosperity all around there is also abundant rain and growth of all kinds of corn. If moon signifies evil houses then there is not much happiness or prosperity among the people. Rains are scanty and there is not much growth of corn.

When mars Is the King, the rulers will be fighting with one another and the people will be troubled by thieves and the fire. There will be little Rainfall. If mars is without any afflictions then the degree of the evil will be much less.

when Mercury is the King, There will be big battle with the enemy, particularly if Mercury is afflicted. There will be much fear among the people who will  be distressed due to storms. Rainfall will be insufficient and crops will be no battle. Other evil indications will be reduced to a great extent.

When Jupiter is the king the rulers take to a virtuous path and general prosperity and contentment among the people prevails. There is freedom from disease. The time is felicitous for sacrifices and other religious functions. All this will happen when Jupiter is free from afflictions. If it is afflicted then these events will come to pass in a lesser measure.

When Venus is the King, there is general contentment among the people. Rainfall and crops are satisfactory. The cattle are in good shape.

When Saturn is the King, there is trouble to the people from the thieves and by fire. People commit acts of sinful nature. Low types of people come to

The following are the general trends when the different planets functions as minister of the year.

When sun is the Minister, there is a rancorous feeling among the rulers .There is also general tendency to commit act of sinful nature . Rainfall is poor and there is scanty growth of corn.

When Moon act as Minister, there is General prosperity, good rainfall and plenty of corps.

When the Mars is the minister, the rulers commit acts of injustice. People suffer from weapons and fire .Trade also suffers .Rain is scanty.

When Mercury is the Minister, there is tension and ill feeling among the Kings. Harvest is average. People are afflicted by storms rainfall is average.

When Jupiter is Minister, there is general prosperity and happiness. Harvest is plenty. Cows yield lot of milk and their conditions is very satisfactory.

When Venus is the Minister, the couples enjoy a happy married life and there is devotion between the Husband and wife. Corn growth is plenty and so is cow’s yield of Milk.

When the Saturn is the Minister, low class people have a good Time and feel exalted. Rainfall is poor and Harvest is scantly. In India the scheduled castes and scheduled classes have a good time.

The following are the general indications when the different planets act as lords of agriculture growth.

Indicates yields of plenty full white Grains and grains of the colour of conch.

Gives plenty of wet and dry crops and robust growth of trees.

Shows lot of red Paddy, big Paddy and all sorts of grams.

Shows poor rainfall and scanty harvest. Due to less rainfall, people are in state of tension and anxiety.

Indicates luxuriant crops and good yield of cow’s milk. The rulers are impartial In administration of Justice.

Promises great fertility of white soil and luxuriant growth of white grains.

Favours growth of black gram and sesame.

The following are the general indicates when the different planets act as lord of fluids.

Shows rise in the prices of the ghee, oil, honey and other sweets fluids substances.

Indicates rise in prices of ghee, oil, and honey, sugar, milk, and curd and sugar candy. It also denotes general good Health of the people.

show rise in prices of ghee, sesamum , sugar, oil, sugar, salt and black muster. There will be fear of fire in the villages.

Indicates luxuriant growth of all kinds of corn and good yield of cow milk. Rulers will be Honest and just.

Promises abundant growth of all products. It also promises plenty of rain and cow’s milk.

Indicates abundant rainfall and luxuriant growth of sweet products.

Indicates poor crops due to poor rain and scanty growth of liquid products. It also indicates scanty corn and grains. Low types of people come to prominence.

The following are the general Indications when the different planets act as lord of metals and minerals.

Indicates the rise in the prize o zinc, lead, sapphire and Musk.

Shows dearness of pearls, gold, sandal, camphor, white clothes and saffron powder.

Indicates in cease of gems, corals, gold and red clothes.

Indicates the Development of pearls and other shell products, gold emerald and saffron clothes.

Is favorable for saffron, camphor musk and sandal.

Favours diamonds, pearls, gems, silver and cotton.

Shows increase of lead, tin, musk, sapphire and other metals.

The following are the general indications when the different planets act as lord of clouds.

Shows sporadic rain, growth of unhealthy wild corn and great fear.

indicates good rain, prosperity in agriculture, plenty of cow’s milk and increase of all kinds of corn.

shows scattered rains, growth of black corn, storms and high prices.

Indicates moderate rain but sufficient harvest. It also indicates lot of damage caused by rains and storm in the central provinces yield of cow’s milk.

Promises prosperity everywhere and luxuriant growth and good yield of cow’s milk.

Gives plenty of rainfall and general prosperity. It also indicates growth of fruitful trees and good  yield of cow’s milk.

Indicates scanty rain at scattered places

The following are the general indications when the different planet acts as lord of grains:

Indicates growth of unhealthy or poisonous grains due to insufficient rain. People are in tension and anxiety. There is however, slight fall in prices.

Indicates plenty of rainfall and general prosperity to the people, who have a peaceful time and are free from disease. There is good yield of cow’s milk. Mars indicates growth of unhealthy corn but fertility of red soil. It also shows high prices.

indicates insufficient rainfall with the result that there is poor growth of corn.

Indicates universal rainfall, great fertility and good yield of cow’s milk.

Indicates much rainfall and growth and freedom from disease.

Saturn shows Scanty rains and famine and people are thus in great tension and anxiety. However, black soil is fertile.

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