

Upagrahas The Upagrahas are stars, or constellations counted from the one occupied by the sun, at any given time. They are 8 in number. when planets are placed in any of these 8 Upagrahas then they cause obstacles in all undertakings. The more the planets in these Upagrahas, then greater is the intensity of the…


Just as  we analyses the transit of planet in different Houses from the Sign (Rashi) or the Ascendant, we also analyses the Transit from the constellations (Nakshatras) occupied by the Natal Moon i.e. birth constellation (Janam Nakshatras) and other Planets. The constellational Transit can be subdivided into different sections:- •Tara, •Latta, •Nakshatra Anga Phal, •Specific…

Mangal (Manglik) Dosha
Mangal (Manglik) Dosha

Cancellation of Mangal Dosha No more worries if you have discovered Mangal Dosha in your chart. There are certain combinations that can cancel Mangal Dosha. In order to understand the combinations that can neutralize the effects of Manglik Dosha, let us first understand the meaning and formation of this Dosha in your chart. Mars is…

हस्तरेखा विज्ञान का इतिहास
हस्तरेखा विज्ञान का इतिहास

History Palmistry was thought to have originated from ancient China approximately 3000 years B.C. Details of Palmistry can also be found in Indian Scriptures approximately 500 years B.C. The ancient Tibetans, Sumerians, Babylonians, early Hebrews, Persians and Egyptians all. Studied Palmistry. The Greeks also studied palmistry and they introduced this to Europe in 14th century. Amongst the…

उपचार का परिचय
उपचार का परिचय

उपचार का परिचय जन्म के साथ ही प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपने साथ शुभ-अशुभ ग्रहों को अपने साथ लेकर आता है तथा ग्रहों का यह शुभाशुभत्व उसकी जन्मकुंडली में परिलक्षित होता है। ग्रहों के अशुभत्व के कारण ही उसके दशाकाल में अनेक प्रकार की पीड़ा का सामना करना पड़ता है। ज्योतिष में ग्रहों के अशुभत्व के शमन…

विभिन्न घरों में देखें सूर्य ग्रहों का प्रभाव
विभिन्न घरों में देखें सूर्य ग्रहों का प्रभाव

विभिन्न भावों में सूर्य प्रथम : अ) लग्न में बैठा सूर्य एक जातक को स्वभाव से अशान्त बनाता है, नेतृत्वता के गुण देता है, कदाचित जातक अहंकारी और घमण्ड़ी हो सकता है, जातक को आत्मकेन्द्रित बनाता है, गंजापन (यदि 5, 9, 11 राशि में है), अधिक कन्या सन्तान (यदि मीन राशि में है), हृदय रोग…

जानिए  सूर्य ग्रह कारक के फायदे और नुकसान
जानिए सूर्य ग्रह कारक के फायदे और नुकसान

सूर्य (सात्विक, अग्निवत्, क्षत्रिय) सूर्य स्वास्थ्य, पिता, शक्ति, अधिकार, यश-कीर्ति, सरकार, शनि, शुक्र राजसिक, औषधी, आंखों के रोगों, ऊन, लकड़ी या इमारती लकड़ी, पूजा स्थल, दलाली, रक्त संचार, चाचा, नौकरी (छठा भाव), आजीविका (दसवां भाव), साहस, पैतृक सम्पत्ति, सम्माननीय शक्ति या बल, अग्नियों, हड्डियों, पेट का कारक है। मित्रः चन्द्रमा, मंगल, बृहस्पति शत्रुः शनि, शुक्र…


THE SIGNS IN HANDS In palmistry, the important things related to a person’s life can be known from the lines present in the palm. In the same way, much important information can be obtained from the signs present in the hand. It lists you 16 signs in your hands. It describe by as below: The…


THE MOUNTS OF HANDS This is termed as mount because it looks like a mountain on your palm. They play a very important role during the reading of the palm. These mounts are related to the planets which hold a different meaning in your hand and show your personality as well as the future. There…


THE THUMB The Thumb is most important part in Palmistry. Using Thumb in palmistry find the some special person. The Thumb height, length, width, size to help the judge of person personality. The Thumb has two parts: Will( Upper part) Logic/ Analytic capacity/ Reasoning power( Lower part) Some people have three parts. Some people Thumb…


TYPES OF HANDS 1. SQUARE HAND: This type of hand height and width is equal. the fingers of this hand is square or circular. It is useful hand : will execute well other people’s orders or idea. 2. SPATULATE HAND The shape of this type of hand is rice spoon. the width of this hand…